Personality Dimensions®

Recognize Strengths and Appreciate Differences
Personality Dimensions® is about understanding yourself and others so you can be more effective in your relationships, your work … your life. Everyone is different … we come in all varieties and understanding our own values, strengths, joys and stressors and those of everyone we interact with provides a great foundation for communication. Knowing some of the ways people are different assures us that we are okay in our own uniqueness and that we aren’t alone in some of our idiosyncrasies.
Personality Dimensions® is the latest evolution in presenting Personality Temperament Theory. It builds on research conducted in Canada for over two decades, and the foundations established by the work of Carl Jung, David Keirsey, Linda Berens, as well as a history of Temperament that spans 25 centuries.
Personality Dimensions® translates complex personality theory into everyday language. It creates a framework for understanding – not a pigeonhole. You will recognize temperament patterns that you are comfortable with and those of people that you know, but it is not about putting people into a box. Identifying differences and similarities through Personality Dimensions® doesn’t determine our behaviour – we make those choices. We may be strongly inclined to act in certain ways but we each can decide how we will behave. Most people find the experience of discovering their natural inclinations to be both very invigorating and self-affirming. It can also be a real eye-opening experience! Understanding your natural tendencies can let you consciously change your behaviours without changing who you are. It will give you the energy and confidence to develop beyond your natural self.
The Personality Dimensions® system utilizes a convenient card sort and short questionnaire to reveal your temperament preference. In addition to being the first Temperament assessment to incorporate the Introversion/Extraversion dichotomy, Personality Dimensions® also uses four colours along with short descriptors and symbols to represent the Temperament preferences: Inquiring Greens, Organized Gold, Authentic Blue, Resourceful Orange. These combined aspects create a common language of understanding of yourself and others.
Know your Personality Dimensions® to…
Express yourself appropriately
Negotiate more effectively
Narrow gaps and differences
Identify potential problems early
Elevate morale and enthusiasm
Optimize team performance
Support and encourage others
Organize efficient teams
Yield higher productivity
Influence others positively
Build mutual respect
What is Personality Dimensions®?
Personality Dimensions® is the next step in the evolution of temperament and personality theory. Based on a foundation of solid research, it gives you a better understanding of yourself, your strengths, values, needs, and how you perceive the world. But it’s not just about ourselves, it is also about knowing how to appreciate and respect differences by recognizing the contributions and strengths everyone brings with them.
How does it work?
Personality Dimensions ® takes complex theories and makes them accessible with plain language, and practical uses. It is an assessment that uses a card sort with pictures, short paragraphs, and a multiple-choice survey, to appeal to different learning styles.
Personality Dimensions® doesn’t just use colours, it also includes symbols and descriptive names to help better remember not only what the four different Dimensions are, but what they mean.

Inquiring Green
Inquiring Greens tend to be independent, inquisitive, logical, rational, innovative, analytical, and strategic thinkers. They need to feel, and be seen as knowledgeable and competent.
Inquiring Greens are big picture thinkers who want to understand how and why things work, and are great at thinking outside the box.
Inquiring Greens can be excellent at research; they like to ask lots of questions and look at the facts. Whether they are about to make a big purchase, or undertake a project, having all the facts and being able to share them make Inquiring Greens feel confident.

Resourceful Orange
Resourceful Orange tend to be adaptable, eager, generous, quick-witted, realistic, and competitive. They need a lot of activity and variety in their lives.
Resourceful Orange are natural doers; they think well on the spot, and are quick to act.
Resourceful Orange can be great multi-taskers. They thrive in situations that are flexible that give them to the freedom to act on things and express themselves.
Resourceful Orange are confidant when taking risks, and putting their skills into action.

Organized Golds
Organized Gold tend to be dependable, punctual, reliable, loyal, practical, and sensible. Traditions and family are important to them. They need to have a sense of belonging, duty and responsibility in all areas of their lives.
Organized Gold like lists – writing them out and checking things off when done.
Organized Gold can be talented planners; they need structure and predictability to do their best work, and will stick to plans to see things through to the end. Timelines and deadlines are important to them and are confident when they can reflect on a job well done.

Authentic Blue
Authentic Blue tend to be empathetic, supportive, people-focused, sincere, creative, and imaginative. They need to continually work on their own personal growth and build close relationships with the people around them.
Authentic Blue genuinely care and want to contribute what they can to the people and things they are involved with.
Authentic Blue can be amazing with motivating, supporting, and mediating. Their natural empathy and intuition gives them the ability to work well with others.
Authentic Blue are confidant when there is harmony with the people around them, and can express their creativity and imagination.
It’s not enough to know just what your personality preference is, but you also need to know where you get your energy from, also known as Introversion & Extraversion. Introverted doesn’t mean “shy” and Extraverted doesn’t mean “outgoing.” It’s all about how people get their energy. Introverts get their energy by having quiet time. Extraverts get their energy from keeping in touch with the people, places and things around them.
Introverts often prefer to do their thinking and planning by themselves. Extraverts enjoy talking and being part of a group. There are, however, outgoing Introverts and shy Extraverts. Some Introverts enjoy being with a group of people, but they may need a quiet time after. Some Extraverts can be quiet and a bit shy at first, but they will become more involved once they are comfortable.

Dr Motivate Ltd.
Sole Authorized Distributor of Personality Dimensions® Training Materials and Programs in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and The People's Republic of China since 2008.
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